Disorders of taste and smell: symptoms, causes and treatment

Disorders of taste and smell: symptoms, causes and treatment
Smell is especially important for everyday life, and taste is 80% related to the sense of smell, so most patients complaining of loss or decrease in taste actually suffer from loss of sense of smell.
The tongue is an organ of taste and can feel salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes. The rest of the flavors are suggested by the smell. The difference between the taste of an apple and a pear, or the difference between the taste of chocolate and caramel, for example, is largely determined by the smell.
People suffering from nasal congestion cannot distinguish between flavoring products.
A number of conditions can cause taste and odor disorders, but age or certain medications may be factors that can reduce these feelings. Changes in taste and smell can affect the quality of life.
The most common disorders of smell and taste:
- anosmia - loss of sense of smell;
- ageusia - loss of taste;
- hyposmia - decreased sense of smell;
- hypogeosis - decreased taste sensations;
Some people are born with these disorders, but in most patients they are caused by:
- obesity;
- diabetes;
- high blood pressure;
- unbalanced nutrition;
- diseases of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis;
- chemotherapy;
- radiation therapy;
- some medications;
- allergies;
- flu and colds;
- blows to the head;
- hormonal changes;
- dental problems;
- nasal polyps;
- exposure to certain chemicals;
- cocaine use;
- smoking.
Symptoms can range from a reduced ability to taste or smell to a complete inability to smell or taste sweet, sour, bitter or salty food.
In some cases, familiar tastes or smells can become unpleasant.
The doctor will prescribe the treatment of taste and odor disorders taking into account:
- age;
- general state of health and medical history;
- how seriously are these feelings affected;
- how long does this condition last.
Treatment may include:
- discontinuation or replacement of drugs that cause taste and odor disorders;
- correction of the main medical problem;
- surgical removal of obstacles that can cause disorder;
- consulting;
- quitting smoking.
Impaired sense of smell and taste affect the quality of life. Violations of the sense of smell can be dangerous, as they affect the patient's ability to detect:
- smoke;
- toxic fumes;
- gas leaks;
- spoiled food or drink.
Taste disorders can affect nutrition and lead to weight loss and even malnutrition. They can also damage the immune system and worsen other diseases. Découvrez les nouveautés des jeux de casino en ligne sur https://bdm-bet-fr.com , le site incontournable.