The Nazi Economy
The Nazi Economy
The economy of Nazi Germany was united into a single system and benefited from legal norms aimed at excluding certain subjects and entire social groups. As in other aspects of political and social life, the Nazis did not follow a consistent, uniform doctrine, transforming the economy on an individual basis, depending on needs and the desire to obtain immediate benefits. As a result, no program line was developed that would continue throughout the entire period of Nazi rule.
Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek criticized Nazism from an economic point of view. Representatives of twentieth-century liberalism saw in the Nazi system the features of the German model of socialism and far-reaching state interventionism, which led to the formation of totalitarian socialism. Because of the great similarity in the scale of the solutions used, they compared Nazism with Marxism. Although adherents of both political and legal doctrines considered themselves mortal enemies, many of their views were similar, if not identical. Fascism was imbued with sharply anti-democratic and anti-liberal content. The economic model of Italy during the reign of B. Mussolini followed the principles of the Nazi model. The state has solved the relations in the market, being almost a total hegemon. However, it should be emphasized that in the first period of their rule, the Nazis led to the liberalization of economic activity, which allowed some enterprises to develop in difficult times of economic crisis. L. von Mises even believes that the evolution of the Nazi economic doctrine was based on the achievements of the American New Deal and the communist centrally planned economy. In the same way, F.A. von Hayek perceives the formation of views of NSDAP ideologists regarding the achievements of German philosophers of the XIX century, representing the socialist trend. In addition, he considered Ferdinand Lasaglia, who put forward the thesis "The State is God," to be a kind of predecessor of Nazism.
Views of K. Haushofer's efforts were not limited to the search for territories in the east. He also preached autarkic economic theories and dealt exclusively with political issues, demonstrating his resistance to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. The conviction of deep injustice led the general to revisionist considerations about the need to restore the lost power. The Lebensraum was one of the most important steps Germany had to take.